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Symposium Audio Connect ?
LOCUS SONUS audio in art

from the 3rd to the 5th of March 2009
École Supérieure d'Art d'Aix en Provence
MMSH - Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l'Homme

page 1
     map & contacts 


Audio Connect ?

What are the stakes and consequences for artistic practice, arising from the multiplication of sonic interrelations between people and places ?

The pool of artistic experimentations related to "connected sonic spaces" is now such that an intersecting examination of the effects which they accommodate and the problems they raise becomes appropriate. We can approach this interrogation on three fronts :

a) How can we categorize these activities in order to have a reasoned measure of the movement or disruption they cause in relation to trends in contemporary audio creation ?

b) These experiments or explorations have in common the fact that they use sound as a medium to work on our "sense of place". By working on sound as a vector, by transporting it through different strata - virtual /presential - on the one side they create audio layers, until now unimaginable and on the other they plunge us into into all sorts of different surroundings. Through this convergence of audio ambiances, we encounter concordance or frictions which can teach us something of the spatial nature of sound and its role in the construction of our sense of location.

c) These practices are most often of a collective or communal nature. In one sense they are tied together by the adopted media in another they ceaselessly attempt to extract new possibilities from that media. This inventivity finds it source in the concerted effort to explore a system's possibilities. The invitation is to zoom in on digital fabrication in the artistic domain, paying particular attention to the question of the specificity of audio art within the panorama of these creative collaborations.


The symposium AUDIO CONNECT ?, organized by Locus Sonus and the LAMES CNRS sociology laboratory, will take place in Aix en Provence from the 3rd to the 5th of March 2009.

The schedule is as follows:
  • A half day in the amphitheater at l'Ecole Superieure d'Art d'Aix en Provence will be dedicated to presentations concerning the historical and contextual frameworks related to sound practices and networked music. These conferences will be followed by a short discussion.
  • A half day also in the amphitheater at l'Ecole Superieure d'Art d'Aix is set aside for demos and performances.
  • On Wednesday, two round table sessions of half a day will be held at LAMES where you are invited to present the current state of your research in relation to the themes of the symposium ("audiotopies" and "collective organizations"). Each round table participant will be invited to make a short presentation (maximum 20 minutes) this will be followed by a discussion moderated by Samuel Bordreuil and Jérôme Joy/Peter Sinclair.
  • The final day is reserved for 1/ a meeting concerning the european project Eu-phonic (morning) and 2/ the ANR project (afternoon for those concerned)

Considering the number of participants, we expect the majority of the presentations to fit into the context of one or the other of the round tables. However each participant must specify which situation would appear best adapted to his/her proposal (round table, conference (amphitheater), performance/demo), and any needed technical requirements.

Preliminary list of participants :
  • Pedro Rebelo (SARC Belfast) et Alain Renaud (Univ. of Bournemouth)
  • Pedro Solers (Hangar Barcelona)
  • Atau Tanaka (CultureLab, Newcastle)
  • Peter Tomas Dobrila (Kibla, Maribor)
  • Angus Carlyle (Crisap, London)
  • Ragnar Helgi Olafsson (Lorna, Reykjavik)
  • Nicolas Auray (Deixis, Telecom Paristech, ENST Paris)
  • Jean-Paul Thibaud et Pascal Amphoux (Cresson Grenoble)
  • Marc Relieu (Telecom Paristech, ENST Paris)
  • Dimitris Charitos (Communication & Media Studies, Univ. of Athens)
  • Locus Sonus (Julien Clauss, Alejo Duque, Scott Fitzgerald, Jérôme Joy, Anne Roquigny, Peter Sinclair)
  • LAMES (Samuel Bordreuil)

du 3 au 5 mars 2009

mardi 3 mercredi 4 jeudi 5
(École Supérieure d'Art d'Aix)


cadre historique et contextuel des pratiques sonores et musicales en réseau

(École Supérieure d'Art d'Aix)

demos / performances

(Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l'Homme) (amphi)


table ronde
les intervenants et participants du symposium

(Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l'Homme) (amphi)

table ronde
les intervenants et participants du symposium

(École Supérieure d'Art d'Aix)
(salle de réunion)


réunion avec les
partenaires européens

(École Supérieure d'Art d'Aix)
(salle de réunion)


Art sonore, ambiances urbaines, prise de place publique
rénion avec les
partenaires scientifiques


map et contacts

Anne Roquigny: admin (at)      mob: 06 62 11 04 54
Jérôme Joy: joy (at)      mob: 06 81 25 98 16

Access to École Supérieure d'Art d'Aix en Provence
(Click on the picture)

telecharger image

Access to MMSH (Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l'Homme)
Université de Provence - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - Université Paul Cézanne
(Click on the picture)

telecharger image

documentation and
images: Locus Sonus Lab